Platform profile

The open platform of Digital human liver database is set by the affiliated hospital of Qingdao university, Tencent and Hisense group. A large amount of 3D models, which drives from human livers of different ages with no or major hepatic, splenic and pancreatic diseases, will be displayed on this platform. Combining with cases, we showed the 3D models of digital livers clearly and completely on the Baidu’s human digital liver database open platform in a full range of the angle of static digital pictures and animation ways. Any angle of the simulant animation can be...

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Dong Qian Professor introduction:

Qian Dong, born in 1963, Doctor of Medicine, National second-grade professor, Taishan Distinguished Professor, Professor and Supervisor of PhD candidates in Pediatric surgery, receiving special subsidy offered by the State Council, Member of Shandong...
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News report

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Typical case

The typical cases in this platform collected from global medical centers include digital liver models for rare variation of normal liver anatomy and common diseases, such as adult liver tumor, pediatric liver tumor, pancreatic lesion……
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Digital liver database

Normal Liver Of Adult

Normal Liver Of Adult

Liver is the largest digestive gland and parenchymal gland organ in the body, weighing about 1200-1600g, accounting for about 1/50 of adult body weight. By using Computer Assisted Surgery System (CAS) to load liver CT data set in format of DICOM, a transparent, visible and arbitrary three-dimensional digital model including adult liver parenchyma, portal venous system and hepatic arterial system, hepatic vein and biliary system could be constructed. Thus the digital liver of an individualized adult liver is formed. The digital liver is capable of presenting the functional liver volume and morphology of normal adult, hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery, the distribution of portal vein, and the condition of biliary tract, etc., which provides individualized clinical information for liver function reserve evaluation, evaluation for liver transplantation and evaluation of prevalence rate.

Normal Pediatric Digital Liver

Normal Pediatric Digital Liver

Pediatric liver weight accounted for more than adults, about 1 / 20-1 / 16. With the development of the human body, the absolute weight of the liver weight and volume gradually increased, the proportion of body weight gradually decreased, after adolescence gradually close to adults. Its structure and function are more meticulous and complex than adults and a huge anatomical difference between individuals.

Adult Liver Tumors

Adult Liver Tumors

Adult liver cancer continue to rise in recent years, a serious threat to human health.Clinically can be divided into benign tumor of the liver (tumor-like lesions) and liver malignant tumor, which includes primary liver cancer and metastatic liver cancer.Expansion/invasive tumor growth or

Pediatric Liver Tumors

Pediatric Liver Tumors

'Pediatric liver tumor continue to rise in recent years, a serious threat to children's health.Clinical can be divided into benign tumor of the liver (tumor-like lesions) and liver malignant tumor, which includes primary malignant tumors and secondary malignant tumor.In primary malignant '

Congenital Biliary Dilatation

Congenital Biliary Dilatation

Congenital Biliary Dilatation is the most common form of congenital biliary malformation. The lesion mainly refers to the cystic or fusiform expansion of the bile duct, sometimes accompanied by a congenital malformation of the intrahepatic bile duct dilatation.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

The specific classification of pancreatic neoplasm depends on the patient age group. Pediatric pancreatic neoplasm is a kind of rare diseases and mainly occurs in the body or tail of the pancreas with few clinical manifestations. Pancreatic cyst-solid papilloma is more common among young women. The incidence of pancreatic carcinoma is higher in elder and has increased significantly in recent years. This neoplasm mainly occurs in the head of pancreas. Pancreas has complex anatomical structures and adjoining relationships. The swelling and infiltrative growth and metastasis of neoplastic lesion normally destroyed the pancreas, the biliary system, portal system, liver, spleen, retroperitoneal vascular system, etc. seriously, which makes the pancreatic surgery one of the most challenging surgeries.

Portal Hypertension

Portal Hypertension

Portal hypertension is a group of clinical syndromes caused by the continuously increasing pressure of portal vein system resulting from increase of portal vein resistance or portal venous flow. Some scholars summarize the etiology of portal hypertension as hepatocyte injury and vascular. Portal hypertension occurs in adult and children. The clinical manifestations include gastric fundus esophageal varices, ascites, splenic and high dynamic circulation states. Further deterioration may lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, hypersplenism function, peritoneal infection, or even hepatic encephalopathy and thus threaten the life. There are various treatment methods of this disease due to the complex etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Two main therapy are direct decompression of portal hypertension and the therapy of bypass circulation. The former one is commonly used for adults while the latter one is used of children. Specific treatment plans must be determined critically.

The Spleen Disease

The Spleen Disease

Spleen locates at the deep end of the left hypochondriac, between the 9th and 11th ribs, and is the largest lymphoid organ in the human body. The spleen weight of children of all ages is between 10g and 113g, and is between 100g and 250g for the adults. The anatomy and function of spleen are closely associated with the liver and pancreas. Splenic artery, hepatic artery and left gastric artery are all from celiac axis. Splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein and inferior mesenteric vein jointly form the portal vein and then get into the liver. About 20 percent of the blood comes from the spleen. Spleen diseases are classified as spleen and hematopoietic system disease (thalassemia, spleen related inherited metabolic diseases, leukemia, etc.), infectious diseases (all kinds of specific and nonspecific infection), splenomegaly (portal hypertension, hypersplenism, etc.), splenic space-occupying lesions (spleen tumor, spleen cyst, etc.), spleen injury (spleen rupture, etc.), and some infrequent diseases (splenic infarction, wandering spleen, splenosis, etc.). Diagnosis of spleen diseases and selection of treatment are still a clinical difficulty.


Liver segmentation / classification

Dong's Liver Segments Classification System

With the development of medical imaging, 3D reconstruction technology, the innovation of liver surgery and the proposal of precision hepatectomy, the intra-hepatic liver vascular anatomy and the liver segmentectomy based on vascular anatomy was well developed. With the big data analysis of 3D digital liver, we proposed a new way of liver classification system: Dong’s digital liver classification system. Professor Dong Qian, from the Affiliated hospital of Qingdao University, analyzed anatomy of thousands of human digital livers from newborn to aged human beings, trying to build a new system of liver classification based on intrahepatic vascular anatomy.

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Couinaud segmentation

The Couinaud classification (pronounced kwee-NO) is currently the most widely used system to describe functional liver anatomy. It is the preferred anatomy classification system as it divides the liver into eight independent functional units (termed segments) rather than relying on the traditional morphological description based on the external appearance of the liver. The segments are numbered in Roman numerals I to VIII.

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Computer assisted surgery (CAS) is a new surgical concept that refers to preoperative planning, guiding or assisting surgery using computer technology. It's generally acknowledged that CAS includes: 1) creating virtual images of patients; 2) Analysis and deep processing of patient images; 3) diagnosis, preoperative planning and simulation of operation steps; 4) surgical navigation and 5) robotic surgery.

Digital medicine is a kind of subject applying modern digital technology to explain medical phenomenon, to solve medical problems, to explore the medical mechanism and to improve the life quality. It refers to the relevant research, popularization and application of information technology in whole medical field, which makes it an interdiscipline between information technology and mechanical technology. The core of digital medical is to apply digital technology to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment.